Prix dédié aux films photographiques et diaporamas sonores.
Award created for the photographic movie
Photographic film is a tool for creative experimentation and dissemination that can offer new dimensions to those who use photography as a field for personal expression.
The LNP AWARD is dedicated to this format, which continues to develop and explore the photographic image. Created at the initiative of Freelens, it is awarded every year at the festival LES NUITS PHOTO, in partnership with the SAIF, COPIE PRIVÉE, CRL10 - ESPACE JEMMAPES, and in collaboration with the medias FISHEYE MAGAZINE & 9 LIVES MAGAZINE, and the festivals PROMENADES PHOTOGRAPHIQUES DE VENDÔME and LES NUITS DE PIERREVERT.
This award is international, and concerns all photographic writings. All authors are invited to participate, whether they are confirmed, emerging, students or amateurs (directors, photographers, editors, artists, journalists etc.).
To apply for the LNP 2022 AWARD, each candidate must complete an application form. The call for applications runs from June 16 to September 15, 2022.
You must also read the RULES OF THE LNP AWARD, and each application must be validated by the author's membership in the FREELENS association.
© Valentin Sidorenko, winner of the 2021 LNP AWARD
The winning project of the LNP PRIZE will be awarded a 1000 euro prize by the SAIF and COPIE PRIVÉE, the LNP Trophy, as well as a broadcast on partner media and a screening in partner festivals.
New prizes are created this year:
• the DIAPÉRO AWARD, rewarding the best documentary photographic film, awarded by the DIAPÉRO team (association defending documentary and photojournalistic photographic film) and endowed with a broadcast in the media MEDIAPART and a broadcasting right of 500€
• the LA CASSETTE AWARD, for the best sound creation of a film, awarded by the team of LA CASSETTE (an associative space dedicated to sound creation created by the TRANSMISSION collective) and endowed with sound equipment (to be defined)
Imperative in 2022: the maximum duration of the film must not exceed 45 minutes (including credits).
Be creative!